Saturday, July 4, 2009

Beware Greeks bearing Gifts. Or brothers.

We've all heard the story of the Trojan Horse, right?

Where the Greeks made this huge horse and gave it to the Trojans...
but inside this gift horse was the Greek army.

Well, something like that occurred in my household yesterday.

My 12 yr old son gave my 7 yr old son a "gift."
He gave him his favorite drink.
Apple juice.

Only it wasn't apple juice.

Which my 7 yr old discovered when he drank it.

I think you can guess what it was.

I'm speechless.


Melissa said...

Lol, that is disgusting. But I have a feeling I'll have the same experience as you in a few years.

Love your labels lol

Anonymous said...

ewww...boys!! I bet he won't be fooled again...

Swirl Girl said...

Please tell me it was not a bodily fluid....please

Danemama08 said...

Thats funny!
My brother tried to pull this one on my once.. thankfully I said no before I had to learn the hard way!

Screwed Up Texan said...

My husband's cousin gave his brother poop for Christmas once. lol

Unknown said...

EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW & OMG - is he grounded!?

Susie said...

Ewwww!!! Yucko!!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

What on earth was Donny thinking? I guess it would be more appropo to say that he wasn't. Oy vey. What did Remy do to experience the wrath of Donny?

C and C Mommy said...

All I can say is O MY GOSH!!

Jen said...

Please tell me that is was not pee!?!

Cristin said...

I don't know whether to laugh or vomit...

CrystalChick said...


Well... that just brought back a memory from a party at my girlfriends many many years ago. A couple guys thought it would be funny to empty out a beer bottle, fill it with 'something else' and screw the lid back on as best as possible. After a few drinks who would realize it didn't quite have that opening pop sound. LOL

I guess it's a guy thing.

John Deere Mom said...

OMG I would die!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, I just threw up a thankful I don't have brothers.

Justine said...

OMG! Are you KIDDING ME???????? I hope you smacked the crap out of him and that he's punished for life! That is SO GROSS.

Justine :o )

Ronnica said...

Oh. My. I think I'd have had a hard time keeping a straight face if I were you!

Andrea said...

What is it with brothers and pee??

Mine were complaining about wet pajamas one morning-only to discover they became wet when they peed on each other.


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Oh.My.God. Seriously?

Penelope said...

Why do boys do that? They pretend to have mountain dew also (it's yellow) or lemonade and do this too...Eeew! I'm expecting a son, is this what I have to look forward to???

Penelope's Oasis

kristi said... he di-n't.

nancypants said...

Oh dear. The worst part is that I remember this happening amongst siblings in my family growing up. Children are evil.

Anonymous said...

At least urine is 'sterile!' Ewwww!