These adorable little angels are my nieces.
And I wish they'd come live with me.
And I wish they'd come live with me.

I'm normally very tolerant of all children.
Screaming babies on airplanes don't bother me.
Kids throwing fits at the grocery store have me feeling sympathy for their parents.
BUT, recently, on our Disney trip...
I was hot.
I was tired.
I was hungry.
And while we were waiting on a dinner reservation,
there was annoying, terrible, horrible little child whining
and crying to her parents about wanting to go on the elevator.
My tolerance evaporated.
I almost told this little girl,
a stranger...
that the elevator went straight to hell.
And if she got on it...there'd be monsters.
I don't know what got in to me.
Screaming babies on airplanes don't bother me.
Kids throwing fits at the grocery store have me feeling sympathy for their parents.
BUT, recently, on our Disney trip...
I was hot.
I was tired.
I was hungry.
And while we were waiting on a dinner reservation,
there was annoying, terrible, horrible little child whining
and crying to her parents about wanting to go on the elevator.
My tolerance evaporated.
I almost told this little girl,
a stranger...
that the elevator went straight to hell.
And if she got on it...there'd be monsters.
I don't know what got in to me.
Hey, you're much more tolerant than I am! It doesn't matter if I'm not cranky, hot, tired and hungry. Screaming kids, kids throwing fits, etc. drives me batty ALL the time.
Justine :o 0
I would have shot that little shit some dirty looks for sure...
I always give thanks it is not my kid, then feel sorry for the parents.
After wishing the little buggers weren't allowed in public and wondering why the parents don't fix it of course.
Disney seems to bring out the best and worst in people.
Hope you have a blast- those are the same princess ears I got btw (and gave to my niece). Love the sparkles.
It's called the Disney factor. It happens rarely but when it does, it can get ugly.
Glad you restrained. I don't know if I would have been able to.
I have little tolerance. Even for my own. And at Disney? Just like baseball...there should be no crying or whining at Disney...
I'm going to have to remember that so next time my son is bugging me about taking an elevator, but then again heaven knows he would never be willing to get on another elevator in his life
mny son is the type that runs in and presses all the buttons, including the emergency help button so about 2 minues after boarding we hear a "what's your emergency" yes, always delightful
The heat did it. Definitely.
The most magical place on earth got into you...I'da smacked the parents.
You were crabby. The operative word was "almost":-)
I almost said something similar to my kid today. And that is all I have to say about that.
I don't know what I came over you, but I've got to try to remember that.
I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall if you gave into your desires.
It's the heat man!
The summer heat makes us Momma's do CRAZY things.
My excuse is the heat. :)
Been there - almost done that. lol
For all of you who are brave enough to do Disney in the summer it really should all be free!!!
Hey, you won't be the one paying her therapy bill later. Why not?
After travelling thousands of miles to Australia with a usually very happy, even keeled 3 year-old - I have a new appreciation for parents who have children than whine, scream, throw tantrums all the time. Our little guy had more melt downs in the past 3 weeks than in all his 3 years on this earth.
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