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Giveaway ends Tuesday, January 6th at midnight, U.S. central time.
Now, on to today's post.
I've shared my boys' artwork with you before.
And I've made you try to guess the story behind the art.
They're wonderfully creative and scary at the same time.

Well, lately, my older son has been doodling on himself.

I've started hiding the markers.
And then Remy, my younger son, created something very interesting with his Legos.

Very mysterious. Or not.
What do you think?
What is Remy's Lego creation?
Give me your best guess.
Did you ever doodle on your hands or arms or legs when you were younger?
What shapes or designs or words did you doodle?
Ttomorrow I have a very special interview post
about a very special birthday girl
that so many of us in the blogosphere just adore.
Here's a hint.
She takes photos of calf nuts.
Read this post, then leave me a comment a day for an entry.
Blog about the giveaway for an extra five entries!
Follow me for five extra entries!
Giveaway ends Tuesday, January 6th at midnight, U.S. central time.
Now, on to today's post.
I've shared my boys' artwork with you before.
And I've made you try to guess the story behind the art.
They're wonderfully creative and scary at the same time.
Well, lately, my older son has been doodling on himself.
I've started hiding the markers.
And then Remy, my younger son, created something very interesting with his Legos.
Very mysterious. Or not.
What do you think?
What is Remy's Lego creation?
Give me your best guess.
Did you ever doodle on your hands or arms or legs when you were younger?
What shapes or designs or words did you doodle?
Ttomorrow I have a very special interview post
about a very special birthday girl
that so many of us in the blogosphere just adore.
Here's a hint.
She takes photos of calf nuts.
Gangsta son going on. He is having fun with his homemade tats!
Love the lego Space station. Ready for rocket lift off soon!
You are great to see the childhood in your boys and to push it away.
Mommy award to you!
Is he 10??? My son has been drawing that doodle for weeks! He loves it.
YES hide the markers!!! haha
Love the legos.
My boys went through a similar phase. This too shall pass! :)
I still doodle on my hands. Well actually, I leave myself notes so I remember to do stuff. If I wrote it on paper, I would never remember!!
Both of my girls write on hands. Or legs. Or feet. Sometimes even with sharpies. Those I hide now. Madalyn is not allowed to have them. Except that she found my stash so that everyone could sign her cast.
And Remy's design. Is it the hangman's platform?
What is it with that "S" shape? Am I old and out of the loop? My boys are always doodling that on themselves and their folders and such.
And Remy's Lego creation just has to be my dream home...complete with balcony for jumping off of to escape the madness!!
It's a fort.
And I always drew on myself. I also drew those "S's" that Donny's drawing on himself.
I used to doodle on my hands all the I write notes to myself...I'm getting old!
I think the Lego creation is a movie front for the next Desperate Housewives episode. Am I close?
I finally had to forbid my older son from writing on himself because he used Sharpie's that stayed on for a week.
I think the lego creation is a camel. And no, I didnt doodle on myself but I did doodle on my shoes and notebooks. My daughter writes on herself all of the time though. Weird kid. :)
I still write/doodle on my hands. I can never find a piece of paper when I need it.
I also went through a stage, when I was alot younger, of making intricate designs on my hands ...sort of like those Henna markings that you see on women from India.
Rewmy's creation ... a house with a large picture window and flying a flag? :-)
Perhaps you have a budding tattoo artist and an architect..
Remy's creation is just that...Remy's creation. No other explanation needed. The end.
He is fabulous.
I am not one to right on myself. I actually can't stand it. I don't know why.
Also, I was wondering what every happened with Anna and her quest? Did I miss it? I want to know, did she and the nutcracker end up together?
I've always wanted to get henna hands.
Is the lego creation a dinosaur?
Looks like a house to me! I used to draw on my jeans all the time. My mom used to get so mad! Oh and my sneakers...
Is it a camel?
I love that they still play with Legos.
My husband actually likes to write on my kids. The lego artwork looks extraordinary house? :)
Happy NEw year!
The lego artwork looks like.. well.. have you ever seen the movie Beetlejuice? You know that white front area of the house that the scary people built a sun deck on? Yeah, that's what it reminds me of. Except.. ermm.. colorful?
I never wrote on myself, but I wrote notes. Lots and lots of notes.
The first thing that came to mind with the Legos was a 10m diving board.
I don't know about the legos, but my son draws that same S figure - or is it an 8? I think it must be a skateboard logo or something. My kids do like to draw on themselves. I don't mind it all that much, but it drives my husband CRAZY.
However, my older son has made some really fantastic tribal tattoo designs. I think they're great as long as they end up on someone ELSE! His latest one is a stylized cross with angel wings - very delicate and pretty.
I used to doodle on myself, now I pay people to do it with needles.
Lego? I'm guessing a turtle from Mario Brothers.
My kids doodle that gangster looking "S" too! Weird ...
Ummm seriously are you getting to interview PW!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?? Or does someone else take photos of those things.
I think Remy's is a very modern house.
We always tell the kids they will get ink poisoning if they write on themselves. :)
I think the Lego thingy is a one-hump camel. I know I'm right so you can just tell me so! ; )
Happy New Year Rhea!
My brother used to write on himself all the time.
Are you seriously interviewing PW?!?! Did I ever tell you that I want to be her when I grow up???
Oh, and I write notes to myself on my hand all the time, and then forget about them an wash my hands and then have to try to remember what I had written on there.
And, that Lego creation is OBVIOUSLY the Castle Fort de la Remy! DUH! Anyone could see that. geesh.
What is up with that S? My 4th graders doodle it a lot. Spiderman? Supernanny? What does it stand for?!?!?!
The Lego creation is obviously a camaffe ... half camel, half giraffe. Or giramel ... depending what hemisphere you live in.
I used to draw on my shoes when I was that age. My mom hated it if I drew on my hands.
I remember drawing on my shoes as a kid, too. And my hands - especially making dorky hand faces that could "talk" when I moved my thumb the right way.
I'm not sure about the Lego creation, but I think it has a flag on the top.
The lego creation is a house with a 2 x 4 through the chimney (because of a tornado).
I used to doodle and write on my hands a lot. Lately, I've been tempted to doodle on my feet (their handy the way I sit some times). I try to just doodle on paper though...
I didn't doodle on myself, but I would write reminders on my hand. My mom would freak out and tell me I might get "ink poisoning" all the time. As for the legos ... It looks to me like a school flying a flag. I'm not very imaginative tonight! :)
I think it is a camel!
All kids write on themselves, their shoes, their jeans, their desks. My grandkids- male & female- love tattooes. They don't care what they are. They just love them.
I just kept looking at his hand thinking, "That marker is gonna come off on his face!"
I wrote on my hands when I was younger, but I can't remember what I wrote. Now I write reminders, since I have zero memory.
Recently my two-year old saw my hand and scolded me, "Bad! No write on self!" =-)
believe it or not, my mom used to ground my sister and I or take something of "value" away from us if we drew on our hands/arms. My sister figured the way around this was to cut her sleeves!!! So there went the scissors... lol...
Kids are so interesting when they start to be creative!!! I love it!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Please!! Tell me they really do outgrow it! I keep throwing away those stupid markers and more come to the surface! I thought this was just something we could "get past" with my 3 yr old. Thanks for bursting my bubble. Sigh.
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