Legos, Legos everywhere and not a drop to drink.
(Can you name what literature that's a misquote from?)
My life is full of Legos.
It started out small, just a box or pack of them.
I could handle that.
Then they began to add up.
and add up and add up and add up.
Sometimes they came with direction, a project easily completed. Other times, instructions were lost, organization gone, and it was chaos.

They started out fun. Good busy work.
And then they began to overflow.
They filled the coffee table and spilled onto the floor.
I began stepping on them and finding them in odd places through the entire house.
The Legos multiplied.
In mass they overwhelm me.
I don't have the proper tools to deal with them.
To figure out where they go and what do do.
Recently I finally wised up and bought a storage box. To put all the Legos in.
It's time to organize, prioritize and figure out what goes where.
Do I want to build an amazing tower?
Or a prison for the Webkinz?
I need to take back the control.

What metaphors can you use for your life?
(Can you name what literature that's a misquote from?)
My life is full of Legos.
It started out small, just a box or pack of them.
I could handle that.
Then they began to add up.
and add up and add up and add up.
Sometimes they came with direction, a project easily completed. Other times, instructions were lost, organization gone, and it was chaos.

They started out fun. Good busy work.
And then they began to overflow.
They filled the coffee table and spilled onto the floor.
I began stepping on them and finding them in odd places through the entire house.
The Legos multiplied.
In mass they overwhelm me.
I don't have the proper tools to deal with them.
To figure out where they go and what do do.
Recently I finally wised up and bought a storage box. To put all the Legos in.
It's time to organize, prioritize and figure out what goes where.
Do I want to build an amazing tower?
Or a prison for the Webkinz?
I need to take back the control.

What metaphors can you use for your life?
Gunslinger by Stephen King
we used to (and probably still have in the basement somewhere) a WHOLE toy box filled with legos!
For me, it's newspapers, books, and kid doodles... everywhere!!!!!! Drives me nuts--to drink, really.
Visiting from SITS (I'm your neighbor today!)
Girls=Polly Pockets
What is my metaphor? Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate...'cause it's sweet and comfy and satisfying, but watch out--if you're not careful, you'll get burned.
Dude. I so went there. Daaaang...
If you figure out a solutions pass it on because I am lost in Legoland with you, you just can't see me for the legos!
We did the Lego thing too. Now Calob wants Knex so he can build rollercoasters and such.
Metaphors for my life, I haven't a clue.
A metaphor for my life, hmmmm....
I guess "Insane Asylum" would be too cliche, right?
We have a white elephant auction at our family reunions. Once in a heated bidding war between KIDS the large lego set went for $25.00. Finally the moms had to step in and stop it before they were out of money.
Those Legos must be might addictive?
Metaphor: There is always time to Dance!
I had one kid who would only make the 'kit' as described on the box and once the key piece was lost, he wouldn't play with any of it. The other boy would immediately discard the kit concept entirely and add any new lego to the growing pile.
I like the legos metaphor. Because I would be all about putting them in that storage box. Closing the lid and calling it a day. If you can't see it, it doesn't exist. Right? :-)
dont' you just hate when you step on a stray one barefoot!!
Nerf darts. The have randomly placed themselves in my house - in hight window sills, on the top of the fridge, under beds, stuck to unsuspecting sweaters and upholstry.
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. (I'm a dork about literature stuff like that!)
Ok, what do you get when you mix Legos, Barbie shoes, playing cards, marbles, and paper clips? A very grumpy mom who is tired of picking these things up off the floor and digging them out of the couch cushions! Yeah, that's me.
that is a really good metaphor. It could work for me too. Now the hard part, how do we contain all these lego before we go insane?
I never Met-a-phor I didn't like.
Funny you mention Legos. My coffee table is loaded with 'em too. All the Batman legos. Actually, my Sunday morning started poorly because of legos. The little guy gets frustrated when he can't put it together yet he doesn't want my help. And then when I do help I see there's pieces missing. Dang if I do, dang if I don't :)
Come tame your legos at Legoland Deutschland! We have plenty of snow and Christmas Markets to keep you occupied :)
Take care!
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Coleridge. Probably the only piece of poetry I like. Ah, Lego. I love Lego more than my children. I, however, put the damn things away.
i heard those legos are a biatch when you step on them.
Oooh... I can remember not that long ago... how those babies HURT when you step on them with barefeet!
I suck at metaphors when I have a headache.
Oh no. I bought Graham some for Christmas...I'm in for it aren't... A metaphor for my life? Not sure but I'm sure it has something to do with poop.
poop eating puppy
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