Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nature break

Head over to UpTake this morning if you have a chance!


Life's been a little busy, so let's take a moment, shall we?

Let's go on a nature walk.

I need to stop and appreciate the moment.

I need to remember the important things.

I need to remember to check the pockets of my boys' pants before washing them.

or be prepared for gross surprises in the washing machine.

I need to remember to look before sitting on the toilet, because little boys don't aim well...
or at all.

I need to remember to force my younger son to change clothes.
Because he would live in the same outfit for weeks, if he could.

I need to remember to check the boys' calendars more often,
so that surprise middle school band concerts don't pop up the morning of.

I need to remember to...

make lists.
Because without my lists,
I don't remember anything!

What do you need to remember?


lynette355 said...

I need to remember to be grateful that I am not a mom to a boy?

LOL You have well rounded kids. Keep feeding them the Ho-Ho's and Ding-Dongs. Gives them the energy to do your nature walks.

Take care and thanks for keeping up on the lighter side of life!

Anonymous said...

LOL...I think I need to remember to check here more often...

I think I could copy your list...

betty-NZ said...

I need to remember that 'it ain't nothing but a thing' most of the time!

Angie's Spot said...

I need to remember to make a "to do" list every Sunday. Apparently, that is the ONLY way I can stay focused each week to maximize my time. Sigh.

Unknown said...

my head generally!

Very nice piccies.

Skeller said...

Hilarious, fun post.

"I need to remember to check the pockets..." So so true.

Jen said...

Man, it is so nice to see nature with out snow on it. I needed to be reminded of that. Thanks.

Twisted Fencepost said...

To make a list.
I have become so unorganized it's pitiful.

Unknown said...

I need to remember that it's okay to sit on my butt and read blogs all day if I feel like it... my kids are older and I've paid my dues. ;-)

Valarie Lea said...

Those are awesome pictures!

Jill said...

What do I need to remember??? EVERYTHING! My mind is always scrambled!

Princess Abigail said...

Gosh your life SO sounds like mine!Especially the toilet episode .... I had a second bathroom built for 'us girls' just cos the boys toilet was always so revolting. I mean, like, really YUK.

I need to remember ... um ... like you, I need to make lists. So that I don't forget ... what I have to remember...

Lula! said...

I need to remember to start planning for April 15 now. It ain't taxes I'm preparing for. :)

Susan said...

I need to remember to.... remember.
: )

Lori said...

I love those photos...

Thanks for the warm welcome to SITS..
Come by anytime..
I'll be back..

Sprite's Keeper said...

I need to remember to add you to my Reader, so I don't miss gems like this....

Skogkjerring said...

Found your site through American in Norway's site. What a contrast between your nature walks and mine!!! (see my blog to see my nature-at the moment)
I'll be back to see more sunshine :-))

Misty DawnS said...

I am SO with you on the lists! I'm lost without my lists.

I need to remember to take time out... for me.

Linda said...

I need to remember to take more nature walks. Then all those other things I'm supposed to remember don't seem so overwhelming.

Susie said...

That was a great nature hike. I need to remember to slow down. I am running around at 50 million miles and hour. That's when I make mistakes.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

LOVE these pictures and the post!
I need to remember to relax, sometimes. I need to remember to take my vitamins. I need to remember that I can't save the world, animal or human. I need to remember to breathe!

Heather said...

*sigh* I miss the south. I need to remember to do the laundry. I always forget about it until I have no underwear.

Mama Dawg said...

I know you wrote some things in between the pictures, but for the life of me, I don't remember what. I was too fascinated with all your pics. So tranquil. Makes me want to have a picnic and lay back to watch the clouds.

I can't remember anything. I suck that way.

Cristin said...

I remember what it was like to live in the country... I need to remember that I was lucky to have lived there, even for a little while... *sigh*....

Anonymous said...

Read your blog for a while and decided to start one myself. Hope you like to join mine as well.

Debra Howard said...

I stopped in to say hi. Love your blog, love your post. You are so on the nail. Remember when I had to remember some of those things too. Still need the list though.
Enjoyed it.

Teri said...

I need to remember to put all the newest appts. for this month on the calendar before I forget them all.

KG said...


I need to remember that mommy who gives kid too much to drink after dinner will end up with diaper pee overflow and will have to get up in the middle of the night to change kid and sheets. Good times.

Indy said...

I need to remeber that it isn't snowy and cold everywhere. It was -7 here this morning. Were these pics taken lately? SO jealous.

I have two boys too and my list to remember is a lot like yours. I am so sick of sitting on a wet toilet.

the mama bird diaries said...

What gorgeous pics!

Justine said...

LOL... I thought you had actually taken a real nature walk! Let's see... what do I need to remember?

Shit. I forgot.

Justine :o )

Jennifer said...

i need to remember to stop you by your blog more often! :)

i love you pictures. this was a nice post. i've been so busy with sick sicks and stuff that i haven't been aruond... sorry. :(

i'm trying to get back in the swing of things, b/c it makes me feel so much better when I'm in contact with other adults.... even if only through blogging. lol :)

have a great day!


Brandy said...

Things that I don't remember! LOL! I'm a huge list maker for that reason.

Dropping in to say to a fellow Welcomista!

Happy Friday!

tiarastantrums said...

that was lovely!

Aunt Julie said...

I need to remember why I left Texas so many years ago, because your pixes are making me homesick!

Anonymous said...

I love this post. It was a wonderful nature walk.

I'm a mom to a little boy, but he is still pretty young (not quite 2) so it was a fun glimpse into the future.

Just wanted to say Hi to a fellow welcome wagonista!

DiPaola Momma said...


Stopping by with your Welomista Wub for the day.. make it a great weekend momma:p

Whit said...

Fantastic photos.

I'm sure there are plenty of things for me to remember, but I forgot.

Mariah said...

How's the job?? You super busy? Loved the photos and the message, I too need to remember to look before sitting on the toilet

Unknown said...

You okay duckie???

Uptake said...

all i can say is get a blackberry, sync it with your computer and you will only forget the school concert every other time.

Skogkjerring said...

Hi! New to your blog- love your photos- where were they taken??? Really gorgeous walking paths!! Your lists sound pretty good to me. I need lists for everything although I never remember to write anything down..I've been yelled at about this several times..will I ever learn?? Hmm...
Have a great day, I'll be back to visit your blog again!!