Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm not really talking about Pancakes

I love metaphors.
I love talking about things in code.
I love talking about things that I'm not really talking about.

Confused yet?
I've done this before.

I made my children pancakes this morning for breakfast.
They know it takes extra time to do this and view it as a special treat.

I used to make pancakes in a skillet, one at a time, and it took forever.
Time consuming and ineffective.
I didn't know what I was doing.
But I kept trying.

Then I wised up and asked for a griddle one Christmas.

Now I can mass produce those suckers.
They aren't perfectly shaped or gorgeous...but they taste good.

My pancake philosophy is much like my _______________ .

I try to be more effective, more efficient, and hit what counts...but I'm not perfect.

Fill in the blank.


Anonymous said...

Pancakes are yummy...and so is doing your best and just reaching for something better...

Pseudo said...

Blog reading...

Susie said...

blogging...there is always room for more:-)

Red from Ktown said...


Anonymous said...

Hopefully you don't mean your bathroom time -- "more effective, more efficient," especially with "hit what counts".

So I'm going with blogging too. Though, as moms, our bathroom time is limited, isn't it?

Sprite's Keeper said...

...Google Reader? Door number 3!

Jen said...

I was never one for metaphors. I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea...I'm still drooling over that first picture of pancakes. LOL

Sally-Ann said...

My first instinct is to say blogging.....but to be different I will say - motherhood

Sally-Ann said...

My first instinct is to say blogging.....but to be different I will say - motherhood

Sally-Ann said...

My first instinct is to say blogging.....but to be different I will say - motherhood

lynette355 said...

My pancake philosophy is much like my _______________ .

Cleaning style. Fast and efficient. I want to get it done right and not have to redo it. Of course the first pancake is always burnt and has to be trashed. Glad the first thing I clean is not that way.

Cristin said...

you've stumped the philosophy major... I got nothin.

John Deere Mom said...

I'm gonna go with blogging too. You used to go to each blog to try to keep up now you use a reader? Am I close?

The Mathews Family said...

blogging? just a guess.

Karen said...

Oh to dare to go, where my head took me......nope, I will go with....sleep?

Misty DawnS said...

I'd love to be original, but I say blogging, because it was the very first thing that came to mind.

Aunt Julie said...

My pancake philosophy is much like my life...I take my time, and I savor the aromas.

Justine said...

Oh girl, I am not filling that blank!

Justine :o )

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Well, I'm going to say "disposition."

Now that that's over. I make my pancakes on a griddle also. I've found the most efficient method for uniformmit is 1/4 cup size in a face centered cubic arrangement.

Jill said...

Okay I am going with the most popular choice.. blogging!

Shannon said...

We're more of the waffle type here...

Sally-Ann said...

Well, I must feel really strongly about my answer seeing that I managed to post it 3 times up there. Sorry about that!!!!!

Screwed Up Texan said...

Vibrator? (Don't slap me!)

elesa said...

Tennis Game?