Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Grandmother bought a car on Ebay

and she bought an exercise bike on Craig's List.

I'm so impressed.

Have you bought things off Ebay or Craig's List?
Have you sold anything there?


Rhea said...

I'll start off. I've bought tons of things off Ebay, but only looked for jobs on Craig's List.

I've never sold anything on either...but I might soon.

Justine said...

I've never sold on ebay, but I do buy from there once in a while. Craigslist. Hmmm... I think that's where I'm going to list our fish tanks that need to go. I like looking at the pets section too.

Justine :o )

Anonymous said...

I have bought and sold on Ebay for husband is an Ebay junkie.

We haven't really gotten into Craigslist...but have checked it out from time to time.

Go Gram....that's impressive!!

Twisted Fencepost said...

I have bought and sold on Craigslist.
And only bought one thing from Ebay.
But things may change soon.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I've only bought glass from Ebay. Nothing from Craigs list.
This cracked me up...go grandma!

Angie's Spot said...

I've bought and sold many things on both. We scored a GREAT deal for one of the girls Christmas gifts last year from Craigslist! However, when it comes to car shopping and major appliances, I'm a bit more comfy sticking with showroom floors. LOL!

Kori said...

I have bought many things on Ebay but nothing on Craigslist. Although I have looked around on there but some of the stuff seems kind of shady if you ask me. But I love me some ebay.

Cristin said...

I've bought a few things on Ebay, and never had a bad experience...
I'm thinking of listing my kids on Craigslist... money is tight and I've gotta pay that internet bill.

Misty DawnS said...

We've bought lots of things off eBay. We were a bit eBay addicted for awhile ;-)

The Mad Housewife said...

I shop Ebay for vintage (I bought a beautiful 50s wool winter coat for my kid, and I just scored a great 50s casual dress!) and Craigslist for everything else!

I usually stick to the "free" section on CL- our city is so big, we've gotten great stuff gratis. In the past month I've picked up a loveseat (clean and in great shape!), full size mattress and box spring (owner said it was new, and it looks like it), and a garage fridge (very clean).

Captain Dumbass said...

Bought lots, sold nothing. Considered selling the kids though...

Indy said...

I have bought tone from ebay. My strangest was a piano! It was only $500. It was local. It worked out great!

Did you tell us what your new job is yet?

Jill said...

Well... I dont' know if my experience iwth Craig's list was so good. I put my pure bred poodle who I was selling up for sale on there and got a buyer, gaver her my address and the day after she was a no show he was stolen from my yard. Well I guess it's not Craig's list fault!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

No and no.. And no to selling either.... Hmm. Is that odd?

Sally-Ann said...

I haven't but my husband has. I'd be to frightened to buy an item like a car on e-bay.

Screwed Up Texan said...

I've sold several items on Ebay...and even made nearly $400 in one month the first time I tried it.

Craigslist just scares me b/c I have heard of way too many scams on there.

BTW, Go Grandma!!!

John Deere Mom said... Ebay? Bought and sold. I haven't for awhile, and I don't very often. But, you can find some unique things if you look long enough...

Karen said...

I have gotten rid of a ton of stuff using freecycle. Huge fan of the that.
We bought a snowthrower last year on ebay. I look are craigs list a lot, but not much in my area that interests me.

Unknown said...

I have gotten a couple things off craigslist... my dog, is the best thing I found! I also got some free photo paper, too! I love craigslist and can spend way too much time on there! Ebay? I bought a couple of cds and dvds on there...

KP said...

i heart craigslist. i use it for everything - pets, jobs, selling stuff, buying stuff, i even made a friend from the platonics list. (wierd, i know)

Jen said...

I buy clothes for the kids off Ebay. I love it. Have not done Craigslist. But my Dad bought and car off ebay too and he is a big ebay seller of computer stuff.

Anonymous said...

Reading your past posts i noticed you watch LOST. Which is my most favourite tv show ever. In Australia last year we watched season 4 of LOST. i am really hoping, wishing, praying that there is another season or two to follow. What season are you watching at the moment? Is there a season 5? Please give me some hope!
The only thing i have bought on ebay was some Gold Class Movie tickets, that i haven't used as yet. Must put it on the list of musts!

Susie said...

You just reminded me...I have to post those baby items on Craig's List! Damn, I knew I was forgetting something:-(

Anonymous said...

We've done a few things on Ebay but never used Craig's List. Yet.

Kristin said...

I never go on ebay or cregslist. I am scared that I will become addicted.

KG said...

I'm SO impressed. I'm sure my parents don't know what ebay or Craig's list even are.

I am a total online shopping whore. I hate shopping in stores so I do most of my shopping online.

truckdriver_sefl said...

I bought a car on Ebay and it was the very best car buying experience I have ever had!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Yes, I am all about on-line selling! I used to be an Ebay seller with over 2,000 auctions and now I sell as much stuff as I can off of Craigslist and other on-line sites. I also buy all my books, movies, and DVD's off of Amazon. I just made a post about it on my other blog

Mama Dawg said...

Tons of things off ebay. A couple of things off craigs list. Both are good sources for stuff.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I have done all of the above.

Actually, I just sold something on ebay, but I haven't heard from the buyer...and I'm not happy!

the mama bird diaries said...

you can buy a car on ebay? And your granmother knows this? Man, i'm so out of the loop.

Debie Napoleon said...

I buy and sell on Ebay, my sister does both and likes Craig's list.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I've bought off of Ebay. Bought & sold from Craigslist. And I love it! Go Grandma, my parents don't even own a computer.


Hi Rhea!

I've bought and sold on Craigslist and eBay. I love going Craigslist because of the no fees especially. I also sell (and buy, of course) through a consignment shop in Ann Arbor. :o)