I bought 4 new bras last year around this time.
And within the last month or so, they have all four failed me.
By popping out large killer wires that dig into tender flesh.
See evidence #1:
Here are 2 others, in different colors, that had the same thing happen:
Either my breasts have made enemies with my undergarments, which decided to revolt...
It's an alien conspiracy to shed me from my clothing and spend my hard-earned dollars are more torturous devices.
Which do you think?
Or do you have your own theory?

I feel ya. I bought two bras back in October and realized that they were doing the same thing a couple of weeks ago, so I just keep on pushing the underwire back in because the rest of the bra is still like new.
I think it is a conspiracy propogated by the lingerie industry to make us buy bras more than once a year. I know that I have been forced to a bi-annual buy:-(
I know exactly what you mean. I have yet to find a bra that doesn't do this, eventually. Something tells me that most bra designers were probably men. I've spent hundreds on bras and never found a decent one that didn't poke me.
Once, when I was in high school, I was horribly embarrassed when giving a presentation because another student noticed the wire sticking up from the center of my chest. It was the underwire. Sigh.
I have this same problem. I just want to know what my boobs ever did to deserve this?
I have done exactly the same thing Bethany has done, however my ability to get a few more miles out of my bra was recently thwarted by my tenancious terrier. On his lets run with the first piece of underware on the ground stint, he happened to grab the bra with the wire partially exposed. In no time at all he had that sucker out and was fast on his way to find the other which was also sticking out, but not as far.
Now I just throw away those bras when they start the coming out mode, and pray to the Bra Gods that someone will invent a less painful way for us to support the boobs.
Machine washing and drying your bras may be the reason this is happening. It's recommended that you hand wash all of your bras, but I know some people don't have time to do that (myself included). If you must machine wash your bras, put them in a lingerie bag on the gentlest cycle possible. NEVER put your bras in the dryer; hang them up and let them air dry.
Whenever you put your bras in the washing machine without putting them in a lingerie bag first, they bounce around and the wires in them shift. Sometimes the force can make the wires pop right out, especially if you wash them frequently. I used to be a manager at Victoria's Secret; that's why I'm so bra-knowledgeable. :)
Alien conspiracies aside, my guess would be that you're machine washing and drying them. Despite labeling that says this is okay, if they have any type of wiring, they tend to do better if you hand wash and hang dry. The labeling is probably the work of the aliens.
I hear ya! My wires spring out in my cleavage and under my arm. Occasionally, I get an alien encounter that bends my wire in wacky shapes. No amount of reconfiguring can get it back into proper supporting form.
Never had that many do it, but at least a couple of mine have done the same. It's maddening and painful if you can't remove it immediately!
wow, that is serious! I have never had a bra try to attack me before! Although, my boobies are so tiny, it is possible that my bra can't find anything to attack...
It is a conspiracy lol.. I've gone through 4 bras myself in the last year due to wire issues... I hand wash them and dry them flat and still same damn thing. One of them actually poked me hard enough to make a small hole in my tender area lol needless to say I stripped the wire out of that baby and that's now a weekend only wearable lol. Thanks for the great blog post.
Argh! I hate it when that happens!
Justine :o )
where do you guys buy your bras? I used to have those problems when I bought cheaper bras but I've been buying victoria's secret bras lately and i have 4 good bras that have lasted me 6 months (one was over a year) with no underwire probs whatsoever. and they look brand new too...
I've had a few times where the underwire came completely out of the bra in the washing machine... in a garment bag. The stranger thing was I couldn't find the hole it came out of to put it back in. Personally I vote for alien conspiracy!
I am so completely having the same issue..and don't have the $40 per bra to keep throwing at them. I plan to call VS about mine. You should too!
Its all meant to drive us woman to total insanity and the men wild.
Its a never ending battle.
Great post!
Same here. I put them in a laundry bag now and hang them to dry. I guess that is Victoria's Secret :)
Leave the wires for the no underwire bras. They work just as well and are way more comfortable.
This has been going on since these underwire bras were created, a thousand years ago, when I was a girl. We solved the problem by handstitching over BOTH ends of the wires under each cup with dental floss! Not the waxed kind, but the stronger one. You just want to give that wire a harder place to exit. Hope this helps.
Last year I had the under wire snap clean in two while I was wearing my favorite bra. A week later exactly the same thing happened with another bra.
Defiantly a conspiracy!
this blog takes a long time to load.....i am counting my megabites and time is money.....speed it up. I love the blog except for this slow start up.
Nylons, high heels, and underwire bras are things that we as women deal with and will continue to unless we step up to the plate and STOP purchasing them.
Wow. That 's pretty dangerous. If you want check out my blog: http://cyglobe.blogspot.com
I saw on Oprah that you are supposed to replace your bras everu three months. Crazy huh!
I don't have any theories...but if you get it figured out, I'd love to know! I have had one too many underwires snap on me! And then I am too cheap to replace it so I tuck Kleenex over the offending wire until I just can't stand it anymore. I can't imagine replacing my bra every 3 months...it takes me 3 months to get them comfortable and "broken in." :)
You need to get bras with a larger cup size. When a bra doesn't fit you correctly, it strains the underwire in a way it shouldn't; it's especially obvious if the wires snap in the middle. This is an issue many women have until they realize they've been wearing the wrong size - specifically a cup that is too small. When they get bras in the correct size, the problem disappears.
Washing machines generally are not good for the elastic in bras, but they don't cause the underwire problem.
You might also try a tighter band for better support, but definitely try a larger cup.
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