One of my favorite authors, Laurell K. Hamilton, is someone I follow on Twitter as well.
She tweeted that the first bird you see today can determine what kind of year it will be.
The first bird I saw this year was a tiny, little bird flying...and it looked fiesty.
However, I don't KNOW birds.
I say the it means that I'm going to FLY this year.
Because I'm going to determine MY response to the new year and all it brings.
Because I'm going into 2010 with a fiesty attitude.
That's how it's gonna be.

The first bird that I saw today was a squirrel. Does that count?
That DOES count! Squirrels are often a message that you need to balance work and play more, as in working too much and not playing enough, or the reverse.
well crap b/c I saw TWO squirrels and no birds mind you.
Well hmph. I know I saw birds in my yard this morning, but I wasn't paying attention. But as soon as I read your first line I looked up and saw a hawk flying. What the hell does that mean???
Justine :o )
I like your interpretation. Especially since this far north my bird spotting choices are pretty limited to magpie or crow, and I really hope that doesn't mean I'll be eating garbage and hoarding.
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Hmm, the first bird I saw was not one I recognized. It was hanging around in our backyard, which is maybe the Big Meaning, since I hope to retire this year.
I haven't seen a bird yet, but I have seen a dog and a cat. Do they count? I doubt it. What if I set out to see a bird of my choice, does that count? Or, does it need to be a bird sighting by chance?
That picture is not a little flying bird.
I was also a Squirrel lol! I'd say yours sounds about spot on Rhea.
Wishing you a Happy New Year and a much better one at that.
I have no idea what the first bird I saw was... I'm assuming it was one of the Dark Eyed Juncos at my feeder. Don't know what that means, but I've determined for myself that this is the year I'm going to take ACTION to try to reach some goals and make some dreams come true, rather than just talking about it all the time.
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