Google accounts were hacked by perhaps politically-motivated attacks on Chinese human rights activists accounts.
And Google was not the only victim...according to the Official Google Blog "at least twenty other large companies from a wide range of businesses--including the Internet, finance, technology, media and chemical sectors--have been similarly targeted."
Now, Google has been operating in China since 2006, albeit under restrictions and censorship that it agreed to.
But, now, it looks like the gloves are coming off.
Google's had enough, and I agree with them.
I don't approve of censorship.
China kind of freaks me out.
It seems awfully archaic.
Kind of like a perverted great-uncle who wears socks with his sandals.
and makes bad jokes.
And no one wants to sit next to but everyone has to be nice to because he has a lot of money...
You get the idea.
I've got your back, Google.
BUT, wait a second, I had a thought...
what if Google's been censoring us all along and we've never realized it?!
Ok, if I disappear tomorrow after this posts,
then go after Google.
And China.
And Osama Bin Ladin.

I, for one, would like a dance-off to solve this issue.
It is scary how things like that work in different parts of the world:-)
I'm disappointed that it took Google THIS LONG to pull out of China, but at least they're finally doing it. Now I just wish that other U.S. companies who allow themselves to be censored in China would do the same.
Revolutionary, I'm with you. I was disappointed that Google accepted China's censorship to begin with, but am pleased that now they appear to be ready to take 'em on. Now if we could just get Americans to take their own civil liberties this seriously!
Can you believe China? Go get em Google.
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