and I just got one this month. for the first time ever!
And I'm totally in love with it.
There are apps to get on Facebook and Twitter, apps to play games, apps to brush up on my Latin and Spanish, apps to look up words and keep a journal, a look up maps, take pictures, check email, and do just about anything I can think of!!
As we sat down to play Blokus Sunday night, we had an interesting conversation.
My almost-13-yr-old said, "Mama, I'll trade you my phone for your phone."
I laughed. and laughed. "Sorry, Donny, no way." and laughed some more. Kids!
He has friends at school with iPhones. Middle schoolers!
He thinks for a few minutes, then says, "What can I trade you? I really want your phone. I'll give you my iTouch and my phone and anything else..."
I laugh some more. Tears leaking from my eyes. "No way. I'm sorry, Donny, but you have nothing I want. I LOVE my phone. I don't think you could come up with anything you have that I want right now."
His next answer?
"Well, I have youth."
I stopped laughing.
And he won at Blokus. Again.

You need a custom Gelaskin for that bad boy!
I think I am going to start offering them with my senior photo sessions.
smart and quick thinking kid ya got there!
Wow. What a response. Nothing like a verbal slap from a pre-teen to get you going.
Yeah...but you have wisdom and can drive. Check mate!!
Yeah...but you have wisdom and can drive. Check mate!!
That's just not right on so many levels! LOL
Your kids are quite the characters, and they are so smart!
Psssst... I want an iphone too... or a Droid like one of my friends got herself for Christmas. SO cool, but I'll NEVER convince Hubs.
aww that's so cute (:
Okay. That's scary. I'd sleep with one eye open, if I were you . . .
Ohh.... your son is GOOD.
Ahahahaha. That's classic. :) I think I'd rather keep my iPhone
I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry... that was both very hilarious and extremely sad :)(
I too love my iphone and wouldn't trade it for the world.
as for your son... absolutely priceless.
Remember these moments so that when he does something your not laughing at, you can.
Haha, that's quite an offer.
Touche' Mom. Can't touch that one can ya.
Oh, that was so below the belt, not fair!!!
Ha, great comeback!
I've had an iphone for a little over a year now and absolutely love it. I refer to it as phone crack.
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