They aren't sure where Mozart's body is buried.
Polar Bears are left-handed.
Butterflies taste with their feet.
Cows have four stomachs.
Horses cannot vomit.
A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
Most people cannot lick their elbow.
Which of those statements astonishes you the most?

What I find most astonishing is the notion that someone took the time to figure out that most people can't lick their elbow.
What I find the most astonishing is the number of people who will try to lick their elbow only to find they really can't after reading this..... me included.
See, whereas I asked my son, who wasn't sure and mumbled an answer while my hubby said "yes" and proceeded to lick his finger and then apply it to his elbow. I live in a special place.
I didn't know about polar bears - the rest I knew (even without attempting the elbow-thing).
Did you know the tune to the ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star are the same?
Yes, but you sang the song, didn't you?!
Like Hope, the polar bear one is the only one I didn't know. I would find surprising people who -can- lick their elbow (though they probably just have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or something so that's explained too).
The fact that there are people out there that will try to lick their elbow... and for the most part the whole post was interesting.
What astonishes me the most is the list itself:-) You are so twisted:-)
The Butterflies one, a few of the others I knew, but they're all bizarre!
Definitely the first. WTF?
Justine :o )
Who figured out about the Polar Bears? I love the trivia stuff.
Do you just sit around and keep the file drawers of your mind open all day? You are such fun to read. I knew them all because I think we're kindred spirits -- I love to learn and have the books to prove it. Can't wait for the next post.
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