An aptly named abandoned boat!!
Actually, that's not my attitude at all.
I always care.
Perhaps too much.
I care about the now homeless people in Haiti.
I care about my family.
I care about the people I work with and our clients.
I care about what I want to do with my life and that it matters somehow.
Caring makes things harder.
and more challenging.
But totally worthwhile.

I wholeheartedly agree :-)
I agree...but sometimes I don't care about that last load of laundry or those last dishes in the sink:-)
Hah! Laundry and dishes don't count ;-)
I'm a lot like you.
On my recent blog "Captain At Work", I show a photo of a boat half-submerged in Nassau Harbour. It's been there since the last hurricane (over a year) and nobody cares; not the owner, not the harbour commission, and none of the hundreds of other boaters that have to navigate around it. If it were up to OCD me, I would clean it up pronto. I Care. Love your blog. Visit me sometime and tell me what you think of my efforts in blogsville.
I agree with the laundry and the dishes!
I care.
I worry.
Hmmm... I could live on that boat.
Justine :o )
Caring is the beginning, but then we go from caring to action ... even one person who cares, and then acts, can spark huge changes!
Rhea, you are just a good person.
The fact that you care and show it just proves that deep down inside, where it counts, you are just a darned good person, and a great role model for your boys.
Oh and for the record ..... you can never care too much.
I'll never stop caring, but my level of caring is not understandable to the rest of my family and I keep it to myself, except for my husband, who will support me regardless of understanding (which he has given up on long ago).
And I'll teach my daughter to care too.
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