Sunday, May 10, 2009

Did you know that Coffee Cake tastes nothing like Coffee?

My Mistakes & Assumptions

Am I the only one who had no idea about this?

I don't drink coffee, and I don't like the taste of coffee,
so I always steered clear of coffee cake
because I assumed it tasted like coffee.


I was wrong.

I made a big mistake this week.
I am usually the one to pay our bills around here.

And I missed a the electric company.

And they didn't like that.

They cut our power.
I immediately rectified my mistake and paid the bill...
but it took them 24 hours to turn it back on.

So, we packed up the family and spent the night at my mom's.
Me, Texas Homeboy, the kids, my elderly father & the dog.

I was SO embarrassed.
and humiliated.
and irritated with myself.

Our dog Annie was a nervous wreck at my mom's house...
because Kachi the big bully kitty terrorizes her there.

Poor Annie.

BTW, I just told my kids that I needed their help cleaning out my car
(because the car is full of their stuff)
and they both ran out of the room.

I'm thinking about going after them with water guns...

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!


Screwed Up Texan said...


I dont drink coffee either, but I think it is kinda funny that you thought coffee cake tasted like coffee. I guess I just knew it didnt b/c of my eighth grade home ec class (that I incidentally failed) where we made coffee cake and I tasted it for the first time. Teacher wasnt too happy I tweaked the recipe though...which ended up in a semester long battle between the teacher and me...

Anonymous said...

ok...I had a friend who didn't like coffee...and I said, I'll make you a sour cream coffee cake...and she said "I don't like coffee" and I said "you silly thing, it doesn't taste like tastes like CAKE!!" So NO you are not the only one...

Shame on the electric co for turning you late payment...bah! Next time, stay somewhere with free breakfast and a pool!!

My kids NEVER want to clean up there own stuff...I should just stop giveing them stuff to throw around in my car...And I bought a nerf gun to get those varmits...

Happy Mo Day!!

texaslauren77 said...

Your story about coffee cake reminds me of how when I was a little kid and my grandma would offer me an ice cream sandwich, I would think she was SO WEIRD because I assumed that meant ice cream between two slices of bread! HAHA...imagine how depressed I was when I found out what they REALLY were! I had missed out on SO MANY ice cream treats that my parents wouldn't normally let me have!!

Jen said...

Happy Mother's Day to one of the best moms that I know.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Ruh-ro. I can't believe they turned you off.

And the coffee cake? I wish it did taste like coffee. Maybe my hips would be a milimeter slimmer :-)

John Deere Mom said...

Poor Annie looks SO pathetic!!

Indy said...

I can't believe they turned off your electricity. I bet you wanted to die!!!

I HATE coffee flavored anything too! But love, love, love coffee cake. Aren't you glad you finally found out how good it is!

C and C Mommy said...

Get a trash kids get nervous when I start packing their things up in the trash bags....

Sorry about the electricity!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Coffee cake is divine..but definitely a misnomer!

I would have been ticked about the electricity. I bet if they cut power for some silly reason and you canceled your service they would have treated you much differently.

Happy Mother's Day.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Ugh, the power company once made the mistake of turning off our power instead of next door's and then took 2 days to turn it back on! That sucks. Luckily, it's over. I hope your Mother's Day ended nicely!

Skeller said...

Happy Mother's Day, Rhea!

Yummmmm, coffee cake - such cinnamon-y goodness. Methinks they call it coffee cake because it tastes so good ALONG WITH a cuppa coffee. :-)

Shannon said...

I don't like coffee, either.

But I lurve coffee cake.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

I don't blame Annie... That cat just looks mean and scary.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

You poor thing, you've been missing out on coffee cake all this time? It's SO good, and coffee cake muffins ROCK.
That cat looks evil, I love it!

Mama Dawg said...

Put red kool-aid in the water guns instead of water. Why? I dunno.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

I love coffee cake but haven't had it for years. I hope Annie has recovered from spending the day with the kitty cat!

- Jennifer

Justine said...

You PENIS!!!!!! You REALLY thought it tasted like coffee????? Where the hell were you brought up?

Poor Annie, having to suffer the attentions of the fat cat. She is pretty though. Or he.

Glad you got your power back, but ya know, why would it take them a whole day to flip a damn switch?

Justine :o )

Claremont First Ward said...

I LOVE coffee cake........and love that it doesn't taste like coffee. :) Happy Mother's Day!

Cristin said...

I can't believe our power didn't get shut off... I forgot the bill for a couple months..

coffee cake is just an excuse to have dessert for breakfast..