As I head to work this morning, listening to NPR, I will be stuck in traffic behind trucks like this:

Imaging what would happen if this driver slammed on his brakes...
My car might be decorated with flowers.
Speaking of decoration...
I'm thinking about re-doing my blog design.
Meanwhile, at work, our boss has challenged us to become creative with our cubicles.
Yes, I live in Cubicle Land.
My car might be decorated with flowers.
Speaking of decoration...
I'm thinking about re-doing my blog design.
Meanwhile, at work, our boss has challenged us to become creative with our cubicles.
Yes, I live in Cubicle Land.

I have so many big ideas of what to do with mine...
but I'm going to start with something small.
And then change it weekly or so for a while until I find the right fit.
Today, I think I'm going to cover mine in flowers.
Fake flowers.
from Michaels.
Do you guys have any fun, creative, weird or wacky ideas for my cubicle?
but I'm going to start with something small.
And then change it weekly or so for a while until I find the right fit.
Today, I think I'm going to cover mine in flowers.
Fake flowers.
from Michaels.
Do you guys have any fun, creative, weird or wacky ideas for my cubicle?
I have photographs all over mine. My friend Jaymie sent me a bunch of photos she took at Epcot in all the countries so I have pics of Morocco, Italy, France, etc.... all over mine! It cheers up my desk and makes it not so hard to come into work every day. I also have Rizzo sitting on the corner of my hard drive!
Nothing like a good arbor (not sure if Michael's has them) to really spice up the ol' square. Put the ivy all over it, drape some nice dangly things, bead curtains, the whole nine yards. Make 'em sorry they put you in those things!
Decorate it in pigs?
Dear TWT: You have been tagged. Please see my blog. Thanks as always for your terrific inspiration. Get that cubicle decorated - you are going to need it!
Lol I always worry when I drive behind trucks with open doors. That is just stupid.
Decorate it in memo pads! Of course, the original yellow color. That would be beautiful! But not very green. In fact, make it green memo pads. Then, if anyone accuses you of not being green, you can just point and ask "What color is it?" Then you're covered!
I think you should paper the sides with aluminum foil. And then hang up a few pictures. I hear that foil keeps the aliens away.
And do tell...what are you thinking about the blog design?? I have been thinking about mine, too. Going to something much simpler. Less color. I don't know...
how about those Dilbert cartoons? Specially the ones about the boss?? ;)
Thanks for coming by to my blog!
please take pictures of your cubicle. I know its going to be the best ever.
HI! thanks for dropping by my blog and for welcoming me in SITS!
I used to put all kinds pictures/postcards of beautiful places I want to go to, just to remind me there's something beautiful out there behind all those cubicles. lol
Goodluck! keep us posted on what/how you design your cubicle.
I can't wait to see what you do in cubicle land:-)
Print your photos and hang them everywhere!!! Don't leave a spot bare!
Speaking of being creative, I'm getting ready to move into a new office at my work. It's very exciting. It will be me and one of my favorite co-workers sharing an office. I've got to decorate too!
My cube is a total mess of stuff... The biggest attention getter is that I've got a University of Colorado flag pinned up. Yes...I do live in the heart of Longhorn land, but I've got to represent where I'm from and went to school a little! ;) And, of course, I've got a bunch of framed pictures of friends and family.
Wait, do you have to pay for all your own stuff, or is the boss footing the bill? Okay, i guess it'd be too much to ask for him to pay.
Fake flowers are okay, but a bit boring and not really you.
I think you should cover it in hundreds of photos you've taken in the last year or so.
Or all kinds of Texas theme stuff, like your pink hat and cowboy boots.
Maybe do an Annie theme.
Or aliens, since you and the boys are so fond of them.
Justine :o )
I think you should have themes. Like, a cowboy theme, or an animal theme, holiday themes, etc.
I'm a theme kinda girl.
Regardless of how you decorate your cube, please have just 1 picture of Annie in there...for me. And for you, too.
My first thought was wallpaper (you could tack it up, since paste is probably out of the question, not to mention semi-permanent). Then you could hang a couple of framed photos, maybe hang a backless wooden window frame and put outdoor pics inside so it looks like a could make it look like a living room or home office. I think it would be funny!
Thank you for stopping by my blog last month to welcome me to SITS!
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