We all need to escape life's responsibilities and pressures every now and then.
We all need to stop and breathe in fresh air.
We all need to take a moment to relax and savor life.
UpTake is offering up a contest with Silverado Resort to one lucky blogger and the three people she chooses to accompany her.
I'm not more needy or more deserving then the next person.
I'm just your average person, wanting to get away.
To explore something new.
To take the time to remember why I love life and what I want out of it.
To spend time with those I love.
Who would I take with me?
My sister, who spent most nights of our childhood in my bed, surrounded by stuffed animals, listening to the bizarre bedtime stories I made up. She understands me better than anyone. She knows me in my entirety. She moved halfway across the country, and I miss her!
My mother, who inspires and amazes me. Who taught me I could do anything. Who showed me to approach life and everything in it with all I've got. She's someone I will always respect and admire and strive to be like.
My grandmother, who has always loved me unconditionally, and who I will forever associate with creaking porch swings, singing and the crickets of summer. Someone I'm still getting to know, even now, and treasuring every second.
These three women are part of my past, present and future. They've shaped me, and I've shaped them. We're intrinsically intertwined, and I want to savor life with them at Silverado.
i would probably pick the same three people. well, my mom, sister and grandmom, not yours. have a good day!
Aw Rhea, this was beautiful!!!!!!!! How do you go about winning this trip???
Justine :o )
How fun would that be to have a girls' trip. Hope you win!
What the HELL? There are only 20 entries for that contest? That can't be right. Right?????????? Oh man, I hope you win!!!!!!!!
Justine :o )
You better win! What a beautiful entry. I would have picked the same three people, by the way! :)
Here's to you, mama and memama coming up to California!
Well written, great choices! Hope you win!
and what about your best blog buddy? Room for a stowaway for her? :-)
I would take my older daughter and my 2 SiL's:-)
What a nice blog post, Rhea. I'm in! Thanks for your kind words. You, too, are much loved and admired.
We'd all have a great time, I'm sure. I hope you win. Not just for us, but because YOU deserve it! You could use R&R at a fabulous Spa. We could ALL use some R&R at a fabulous spa. In fact, what woman couldn't use some spa time???
I love you. Mama
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