Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Breathe, just breathe.

I don't like confrontation.

But sometimes it's necessary.

But I've been taking stock of my life.
And I'm not happy.

So, I've issued a much-delayed ultimatum to my husband.

The details are not important.

What is important, is that if things don't change, I'm leaving.


Angie's Spot said...

Wow Rhea, I'm a little speechless. I don't have any fabulous words of advice but I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that things work out for the best for you and your boys. Sending you big hugs!

Expat From Hell said...

Wow. Must be something in the air. All I know is that we all take big turns in our lives from time to time, and the "other" usually has a hard time turning the steering wheel. When that happens, ultimatums come. Mine came this morning. Thanks for being frank and honest on your blog. I am too chicken.


Ash said...

Oh Rhea. I'm blown away by your courage to take a bad situation and try to make it better. You're in my thoughts - Em

Screwed Up Texan said...

I've been thinking of you this week and want to tell you that I think you are strong. You may not feel like that right now, and you may not know what the ultimatum will bring. There's two things to be sure of though, the ultimatum will bring change in one way or another and we're here for you no matter what.


Sprite's Keeper said...

You're in my thoughts and I'm sending my virtual support!

Anonymous said...

ME TOO. I told my husband yesterday that I cannot help him, what ever is going on with him is NOT for me to fix...and if THIS is really the best that he can do...then maybe it's time to move on. I told him that if he is waiting for me to tell him it's ok to let go, then I am telling him it is ok...If he cannot love me enough, if he cannot get past his own troubles... I do NOT want to stay here like this any longer...

I did NOT tell him that HE would be the one leaving...I will save that one for later.

If you need/want to talk/ me anytime...I really wish I had a friend here IRL to talk to...

Unknown said...

Big hugs Rhea, I'm sending you strength and thoughts.

kristi said...

Hugs to you girl. Sometimes we have to give them a reality check.

Lula! said...

Oh Rhea...
I don't know what to say, other than I'd love to give you an enormous hug right now.

The only thing I can do is pray...and so I will.

Jen said...

You have my total support and I hope that this gets you the change that you need.

Swirl Girl said...


and I am hoping there is some kind of analogous joke embedded in here somewhere....that you'll tell us tomorrow.

Ronnica said...

I'm with Swirl Girl in the hopes, but I'll be praying for you.

Mama Dawg said...

I don't know what to do other than to tell you that I'm here for you whatever you need. Seriously.

Susie said...

Wow! That's HUGE!! Good for you for knowing what is best for you!

Misty DawnS said...

Rhea - Your courage and strength is inspiring to me - but, then again, I'm your biggest fan ;-) If you ever need to talk, completely without judgment, feel free to shoot me an e-mail ANYTIME!

John Deere Mom said...

Oh Rhea...I hope it goes the way you want it to in the end. I'll be thinking of you.

Paige said...

Oh Rhea--I know how you feel--we are having some very similar struggles at our house--but the other way around.

Fingers crossed for both of us, huh?

Justine said...

{{{{{{{{{Rhea}}}}}}}}} I know things have been really hard for you lately, and I'm glad you're finally taking a stand. Just remember that ultimatums don't work unless you truly stand behind them. Whatever you decide to do, I'm here for you!

Justine :o )

Grand Pooba said...

Sometimes that's just what you need to do! You deserve to be happy and if you're not then I'm glad you're doing something about it! I'm proud of you because I'm the same way with confrontations, they suck! Hang in there girl!

Luvs and hugs!


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I hope he shapes up and does what you are asking.


CrystalChick said...

I'm sorry that you have been going through difficult times with THB. I hope that he will do whatever is necessary to keep his family together. I'm sure you've been a really good wife, and obviously you are a wonderful Mom, so don't settle for anything less than what will make you happy. You do so much for others and deserve to feel good yourself!! Hang in there, Rhea.
I hope things work out for the best.

texaslauren77 said...

Delurking... you are in my thoughts!! Hang in there!

Sapphire said...

Sending you lots of love and praying that things work out.

Tiffany said...

Girl, there is the life of your dreams out there waiting for you to grab it.

You know whatever you decide, we are behind you 100%.

I know this is not a decision you take lightly, so stay true to yourself.

All my love.


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I'm proud of you and I wish you the best.

Scary Mommy said...

Ohhhhh, honey... Well, you have a world of cyber support, whatever you do. Hugs, Jill

Momo Fali said...

Oh my. I hope things change and you can work it out, but if you can't, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself.

Teri said...

My warmest wishes and thoughts are heading your way. One day at a time is all you are expected to deal with.

Kelly said...

I'm proud of you for looking after yourself...Hopefully this will be the wake up call THB needs. Best of Luck, I hope whatever result you are wishing for comes to fruition!

Sally-Ann said...

Hang in there. I second, third, fourth and fifth everyone's well wishes, prayers and support.

Cristin said...






Here for you....

j said...

Prayers Rhea. I hope it doesn't come to that.