My 13 yr old has to wear a retainer at night.
So that that year and a half he spent in braces isn't negated.
However, he seems to take it out in his sleep and toss it.
And then the next morning, can't find it.
So, tonight, as I spent about 30 minutes searching for the retainer,
I found some interesting items under his bed, in his closet, on his desk...
Missing library books.
many, many pairs of underwear.
his little brother's shoes.
random socks.
his lunch, still in the bag and uneaten, from last Friday!!!
And then,
The kicker...
His retainer wasn't lost!!
It was in the place is was supposed to be, in the bathroom.
That child is going to drive me nuts.
Sounds like my sons room...
Hilarious. I am forever picking up after the two men I live with (hubby and son). It's amazing what one finds and where one finds it! Rosemary
One of my younger sisters was notorious for stashing stuff in her drawers. One summer, we were running low on plates and my mom was totally confounded as to where they were disappearing to. Figuring my sister was the likely culprit, she took to her room. Found all kinds of junk in her drawers, but no dishes... That's when she looked under the bed... It was INSANE the amount of stuff under there. I guess some kids are just like that!
I just read this really good book (it's YA) called "Everafter." And it's about how when we die, what connects us to our life is all the things that we have lost.'s much better than the above description :-)
These are the joys you'll miss the most when he's screaming at his kids! Come visit when you can...
I seriously thought I was the ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD who took out my retainer while sleeping and chucked it across the room. Whoa.
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