Did you know that there is a product out there called a "cow matress?"
It's a padded mattress for cattle, specifically dairy cows, to rest on.
It puts less stress on their joints when they get up and down.
It's a padded mattress for cattle, specifically dairy cows, to rest on.
It puts less stress on their joints when they get up and down.

Apparently, happy cows make happy milk.

So, I'm torn...do I want organic, grass-fed cow milk?
Or comfy, happy cow milk?
Or comfy, happy cow milk?

And what's next?
Hamocks for our chickens so they're more relaxed and we have better eggs?
Or maybe pedicures for our pigs, so they produce better pepperoni?
Hamocks for our chickens so they're more relaxed and we have better eggs?
Or maybe pedicures for our pigs, so they produce better pepperoni?
I actually think this was an awesome invention, and I wish I'd thought of it first!!
that's a riot.
My uncle had them for his dairy cows when he was milking. Then when he stopped and raised bull calves up from bottle babies to butcherable age he bedded them down on that too. Now he raises beef cattle and they are just plain BATSHIT CRAZY!
I thought you were gonna tell me there was a new mattress made with bull feathers.
hey what ever keeps the milk coming.
I heard about this and thought it was crazy:-)
So how do you tell when you get happy milk?
OMG, you are completely hysterical! Is that for real?
Justine :o )
Give me a fat, comfy cow any day!!
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