I hope Old Navy's not going out of business...
because they don't seem to be hiring real actors or models for their commercials anymore.
I know you know what I'm talking about.
because they don't seem to be hiring real actors or models for their commercials anymore.
I know you know what I'm talking about.

These commercials are starting to drive me nuts.
Because they show them over and over again.
(and I love Old Navy!)
I rarely watch commercials these days,
due to the wonderful invention of the DVR.
I truly enjoy a well thought out, creative commercial though.
Like the Toyota Prius Harmony commercial.
I loved the commercial Kat shared with us for Orangina.
That was scary creative...and French.
Are there any out there that you enjoy or that are driving you nuts?
the cabot cheese commercial with julie foudy drives me crazy.....I recently posted about it... http://mrsjuicebox.blogspot.com/2009/08/ridiculous.html
I abhor Geico commercials! That green lizard is dumb and annoying and I think that people really dont save that much money on their car insurance using them! (PS I have no fact to back that last statement up.) Totally targeted towards 20-something males.
I don't know if they have it in your area, but Booty Call.Com is the most annoying commercial ever in my area. Just the premise behind it is disgusting to me. Call this number for a hook up, not a relationship. John and I laugh at it every time because we just can't believe someone had the nerve to create such a thing.
I don't know, I kinda like these commercials. They are cheeky.
I hate the Subway $5 commercials. My kid sings that all the damn time and it drives me nuts!
Yeah...the Geico commericals with the eyes need to go!
Oh, I hate those commercials! They are incredibly creepy!
Because of the dvr, I rarely see commercials. But I kinda like the Old Navy commercials. Maybe its because I've only seen them a few times!
I cannot stand those caveman commercials. Or the Empire carpets commercials. Or the Title pawn commercials. Or the ambulance chasers commercials...
Maybe I see more commericals than I realize!
(oh...and thanks for the linky love. I still love to watch that Orangina one :-) )
The stupid Burger King guy needs to be shot!!!
And those Orbit gum commercials are waaaaaay annoying.
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