Wednesday, June 10, 2009

She could have asked me if I wanted toe piercing, for all I know.

When you get your nails done by someone foreign,
who doesn't speak English well,
you never know what could happen.

I thought I was saying yes to a certain color...

But apparently, I was agreeing to flowers on my big toes.

I nodded yes, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the massaging chair...
and when I opened my eyes again, I had flowers.

Have you ever had anything different on your nails?


Scary Mommy said...

I have the nastiest shade of orange right now after asking for coral. Damn cheapo nail place.

Ali said...

once in a streak of... I don't know what, asked for a flower on the way to a vacation at the beach... I LOVED my lil flower. I only got one on one toe... and I wasn't blessed with a rhinestone.

It started a trend.

Now when I go to the beach I get one funky thing on my toe.

Cristin said...

I like the flower... I've never had a pedicure... no one, and I mean NO ONE touches my feet. ick.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I usually get a flower on my toe. But, they always make it too big. I like yours better!!!

All Things BD said...

I love the flowers! I've got some on my toes right now, too.

Sprite's Keeper said...

Ha! I had two daisies on my big toes for my wedding day, nothing since!
I am always nervous about pedicures since my feet are not the greatest looking and I have no little toenails which the techs always say something about, so I tend to back away from the offer when presented.

Anonymous said...

I love to get little flowers on my toes...I only wish I knew how to do it at home!

koopermom said...

I love to get crazy designs on my toes! Right now my toes are turquoise with a little pink butterfly and sparkles on the big ones!

Susie said...

I think they look great!!

Lula! said...

I've had feces from varying species on my nails... that what you had in mind????

P.S. Your toes are DID, girl. Love 'em.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

They have never asked me if I wanted a flower! My girls always get them when they come with me. I am going to get a pedicure this afternoon...maybe I'll ask for a design. Or maybe I'll forget because I'll be in a state of bliss from the massage.

beth said...

ha! that happened to me once, too! my flowers had rhinestones in the center. i truly loved them, though!

M said...

Currently my toes are hot pink with black Zebra stripes.

The CUTEST toenails I've ever sported were Texas flags. THEY WERE AWESOME!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

At least they are cute.

They tried to do that to me...and I blogged about it...I'm not an upsale kind of gal.

Unknown said...

I had lightning bolts once, and tiny mini skull and crossbones. The little divas are a lot more diverse.

Cozyflier said...

LOL, I just got flowers too, for the first time!!! My daughter has orange finger nails with black zebra stripes!

I love stones! I was told I couldn't have any :(

I think your toes look beautiful.

Justine said...

Why IS it that all of the nail places are run by Vietnamese? I'll never understand it. That being said, I love your flowers!

Justine :o )

Unknown said...

Oooh very purdy and cute, I like it and yes I have had that kinda stuff done too.

Aubrey said...

Did you also have an additional $10 tacked on for the flower??? That's usually what happens when I don't understand what they are asking me. LOL

CUTE pedi!!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Yes, I am typing this with my pretty pink fingernails with white polka dots on them. I love to get fun stuff on my nails.

But yes I get it about these nail places. I've been going to the same one for two years and I don't know the name of a single girl there, cuz they never speak much English and they never tell you their names.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I think they're cute!
I used to get holiday stuff painted on my nails. Hey, it was the 90's.

John Deere Mom said...

They are super cute...I might have to branch out from my regular old red.

Jen said...

Very cool! The only design that I had painted on my toes was a 3. Right before the babies were born and I was a big as a house, I asked Jeff to please paint my toes. He did and he add 3's to my big toes in honor of our new babies.

San said...

A misunderstanding with quite a happy result. Rhea, you were meant to wear flowers on your toes!

Unknown said...

There are a couple of awards for you on my blog if you want them.

Aunt Julie said...

But what a classy touch, oui? I have to say the "wildest" I ever get with my toes is when I go to my daughter's college swim meets. The college's colors are blue and white. Let's just say the nail place has stocked some polish that meets my requirements!

Teri said...

I haven't had anything different on my nails since I was in jr. high. I used to paint polka dots and lightening bolts on them.

Danemama08 said...

I love that flower by the way,
and Ive only had one pedicure. I cant stand for anyone to touch my feet, so my first and only one was done for when I graduated highschool. I have a black dress that had white poka dots on them, so I got black and white poka dots on my fingers and toes! I loved it!

Screwed Up Texan said...

Well, maybe I shouldnt be too afraid to put my foot on the internet...then again...nah! No way! lol

Nice flower and flipflop!